Fascist America is alive and thriving. It has been recognized that the percentage of the very wealthy that represent themselves as Democrats has been increasing and that the percentage of the working middle class identifying themselves as Republicans has also been increasing. It is also blatantly obvious that the radically left Biden Administration, big media and big tech (IE. Facebook, Google, Amazon, etc.) are acting in a coordinated manner to stifle opposition to the socialist agenda of the Administration. In other words, big government and big business (more than just big tech) are coordinating rather openly to transform the country’s functioning free market system into a socioeconomic system that resembles the fascist model (that failed so badly in Italy during the 1930’s and 1940’s). The one difference being that the autocratic leadership (a strongman Mussolini in the case of Italy) is being supplanted by a socialist style regulatory driven oppressive federal government that clearly will rule like an autocrat. I have often observed, with a great deal of dark humor, the naive statements from numerous sources that express bewilderment that any big business or ultra wealthy individual would support such a movement. My response to their blindness is – where is the surprise?

The ultra wealthy who already have all the money they realistically need, as well as the power through their massive holdings to influence public policy, will successfully increase or at least hold onto that power if, in coordination with an autocratic central government (such as would exist in a socialist format), they can maneuver the control of public policy to be out of reach of the general public. The Biden Administration in conjunction with big tech is attempting to accomplish exactly that, with most big business acquiescing to the socialist “woke” pressure of the such communist functions as Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory camouflaged in racial garb. The only activities I recognize as legitimately addressing racial inequality are those quality of life functions that directly relate to social and financial opportunity (such as opportunity zones), education/training, and equal treatment under the law. The rest of the noise that has stirred up racial division in this county only benefits those individuals or institutions well positioned, either politically or financially, to take advantage of the chaos created. All of the rhetoric of the American left is designed to benefit their Marxist movement, but in reality, if successful, the most likely result will be the expansion of Fascist America.

Logically, a Fascist socioeconomic structure is an intermediate structure which, at first glance, would appear to facilitate the easiest transition from a truly functioning free market to a socialist/communist collectivist society. A truly functioning free market is universally driven by individual freedom and successful entrepreneurs, and it is that socioeconomic format that has generated the unmatched American economy that has so dramatically advanced the well being of mankind. American entrepreneurs are, in effect, a fiercely independent group which would make nationalization an insurmountable nightmare. From a structural viewpoint it appears much easier to transition a market economy to a collectivist format from one dominated by big business. Note that the Biden Administration is proposing a tax and spend format coupled with intense regulation that will strangle entrepreneurs and ultimately cripple economic growth.

Entrepreneurs are small business entities that do not have the collective political structure to adequately defend themselves from the federal onslaught of new taxes and regulations that the Biden Administration proposes. Big business does, and unless the voting public recognizes the catastrophic danger of this big government/big business arrangement, the entrepreneur will be crushed. If such a situation ultimately evolves over time, the present apparent cooperation between Democrat Party’s big government agenda and big business will become a standoff of relative equals. Unfortunately, America’s entrepreneurs, the primary drivers of our economy will be minimized, and economic growth will be radically reduced if not eliminated. The resulting socialist/communist government will need the ongoing cooperation of big business for the resulting economy not to completely collapse. Welcome to the realities of Fascism, the unholy standoff/alliance of big business and big autocratic government, without the efficient drivers of economic growth – the free market and innovative entrepreneurs.

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